RE: In Love with Fine Things & The Neighborhood - FASHION ART

hehehe I have to tell you - based on the way you spoke down about your looks - I thought you would be a plain looking woman. nothing wrong with that - just... as you said, the way it is.

But then I saw this gorgeous looking woman modeling the clothes at the bottom! hehehe no - you are not at all as you said. You're lovely to look at!!! and your clothes are gorgeous!!! You did a wonderful job and I know what you mean about the therapeutic quality of doing something intensely - even ripping out a seam! hehehe

time alone with your thoughts... quiet... introspection.. simple task like seam-ripping - it can be a really calming time

also - i was laughing at the messy shop of the owner and the itch you get to clean hahahahahahaha yep - if you cleaned, he woudl never find anything again LOLOL

welcome back to hive! hehehe

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