Blog: Steem Supply (Potential Earnings Calculator)

a 06-22-17 at 04.41 PM.PNG

I've been using Steem Supply to check on my possible earnings ever since I knew about that great tool, it's very useful, not only to check possible author earnings but the prices as well. Recently, they also added the possible earning for your comments, which is really great.

Remember though, to not count your chickens before your eggs hatch.

All you have to do is go to and look up your username.

Like any other page or tool for, everything is open to public use, including user info. You can try typing in another person's name and it would give you all the information the website/tool promised.

Steem.Supply is made by @dragosroua. If you find this tool useful, please consider voting for his witness.

Another tool you can use is: SteemViz.

I'm going to share a screen capture of my potential earnings for authoring:

a 06-22-17 at 04.31 PM.PNG

As you can see above, I made multiple posts during a single day, you will see the potential earnings there in total per day (24 hr period). Sad to see that my earnings 6 days from now only sits at $5.00, unlike the rest of the number you see on the same photo.

So, here's the question, did HF19 did good for the minnows? Or was it the other way around?

All we can do is do our best, and just wait and see what happens in the following weeks. If you ask me though, I still think everything is moving forward positively. I'm earning more than before, to justify my answer.

a 06-17-17 at 09.42 AM.PNG


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