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Yes, Those Posts Really DO take a Long Time to Create!

I know we all live in our super-fast digital world, and most of our information comes to us in 140-character tweets and such... as a result of which I am not 100% surprised to have encountered quite a few "Yeah, but I just don't have TIME for that!" comments on posts talking about quality content and creating "Long Form" posts here on Steemit.

Red lillies...

It's true. "Long Form" posts do take a while to create.

Even a relatively simple one like this — which relies on my own photos, of which I have thousands — will probably take me 60-90 minutes to complete, by the time I am done with a primary write, revising, tweaking the text, formatting the post, adding photos, adding captions to the photos, selecting meaningful tags, proofreading, adding footers and publishing. 

What's more, I don't even consider myself done at that point, because it matters to me to also follow up with those who took the time and effort to leave quality comments.

So I'm not really surprised when people say they prefer posting via Zappl, Dtube, SteepShot or even Dmania... although that last one feels rather spammy to me.

Spring daffodil...

But even if you go the short route, you can still "do your best" rather than leave a trail of shoddy schlock out there!

But yes, a good "Long Form" post does take a while to create. Which is why (to answer someone's question from several weeks back) I don't "publish more posts." I simply don't have time. And my posts are not nearly as elaborate some of our "master publishers" like @teamsteem who may take several days to create a single post!

But thanks for asking!

Now go out there and do your best!

How about YOU? What is your preferred "front end" to use to post? How long does it take you to create your "average" post? Do you only use, or do you use another "entry point" more often? Do you find that attention and results vary, depending on where you publish? Or is it pretty much the same? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

created by @zord189

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 180322 12:16 PDT