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Searching for a new flat.

So this is it. We need to move out!

Today is another short post. Because I'm on the run for several reasons, now I will write about one of them.

Well, a few days ago we received a message that we have to look for a new apartment because the owner from whom we rent the current flat is planning to renovate and sell it.

We have a month for this, but I would like to do it as soon as possible and have it off my head. Especially that I want to focus now on something totally different, namely on learn to programme with Python, which I have neglected over the last few days because of my girlfriend's birthday and short holidays.

I have mixed feelings about searching a new flat.

One could say that such a change will have a good effect on our lives, even if we pay a bit more. It's not the money that's going on here because money will always be in some way.
It's all about the fact that we have to do something that we did not plan. I was already 100% focused on programming learning. For this reason, I also minimized the number of hours a week at work.
And here is something like that. I hope it won't break me too much from the rhythm of learning!

I will not give up.

On the other hand, I would gladly move to a new great place in an even better neighborhood. Maybe a little warmer and pet-friendly because we are slowly thinking about having a dog in the future. And actually, I like to look for apartments, browse these offers but not at this time when I am busy. They all look beautiful there on websites. I wonder how it is in reality.

Similarly with the move itself. I do not like the option of packing all of our stuff and moving it to another place. On the other hand, I can get rid of many unnecessary things that lie only in unknown corners. I'm sure I'll get rid of a lot of clothes, maybe even electronics.
Certainly at least some of these things will still be useful to someone!

There is one more thing why I do not want to move. Namely, my Crossfit Box is 4 minutes away from our current apartment. I do not want to change the place of training because I like this Box and people who train there.
As for today, we only reviewed a few offers on gumtree and I see that it is probably not very bad. The prices are good and the offers seem pretty cool. We take into account mainly offers from housing agencies because the landlords can be very different. I have heard many unpleasant stories and I do not feel like having fun with them. When it comes to the agency, all you need to do is look through some of the opinions about them, and you know what to expect.

Already we have found one apartment that is interesting for us, which is located in the opposite building. And to make it funny, it's look almost the same as our current apartment. And that would solve all of our problems above. We won't have to carry things far, the area is known and we would quickly move out and move in.
I hope something will come out with this flat.

Ok. Enough about that. Let me know what do you think about changing flat. Do you like it?
Best regards!