My Summer Vacation in Moravia – Epizode I

Sunday 5/8/2018

Finally! I have some free time and the chance to rest from the children. I’m going with my family to Moravia which is the South of the Czech Republic. That’s going to be quite nice in the current heatwave. Being able to jump into a swimming pool and not only just watch over children at the Sun all day long. And a few exciting and interesting trips also await me. So get ready for a lot of beautiful photos.


But this was the first day so not much has happened. We just arrived, after a long long drive since we live at Liberec in the North of the Czech Republic. Plus since it is the summer the roads are getting fixed – meaning tons of closed roads and lots of waiting in traffic jams. But in the end we arrived, settled and just went quickly to cool off in the pool that is right next to our cottage.


Cheers loves!

For Czech People

Neděle 5. 8. 2018

Konečně volno a odpočinek od dětí! Jedu s rodinou na Moravu. V těchto vedrech bude zcela příjemné, abych se směla namočit do bazénů, na koupalištích, a ne jenom hlídat na sluníčku děti :D Také mě zde bude čekat pár krásných výletů. Tak se těšte na spousty krásných fotek!

První den se nic moc neděje. Pouze jsme sem přijeli, po hodně dlouhém čase, jelikož jsme až z dalekého Liberce na severu Čech stavěli skoro na každém rohu – spousta oprav a uzavírek po cestě. Nakonec jsme přeci jenom dorazili, ubytovali se a rychle skočili do bazénu, který máme u chatičky.

A teď alou na kutě!

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