Today I Learned How To Do Business With A Friend

This Is How You Do Business With Friends

I come from the entertainment world and I started my career as music video producer for local and major artists. In the span of a 5 year career I produced over 300 music videos. While I was on an incline I wasn't the biggest fish in the pond as far the film production industry in Houston. There was a guy that was booking music videos at 500% higher price and was doing an amazing job. This guy eventually became my mentor and welcomed me into his circle because he saw potential in me. He helped me perfect my craft and introduced me to other industry guys that have become good friends also. Years later, we lost touch as our futures developed and we went on to develop into whatever our paths had in store for us. Bottom line, I went on to have a booming agency in the cryptocurrency world and he went on to work in the real estate industry. 

The Talk

We reconnected recently to work with each other on a real estate project. I didnt plan on charging him to work with him because I was just working with him because I truly intended to just help him out and catch up. After all, he taught me a few things on camera equipment that I still use to this day. Long story short, we ended up successfully completing the project together like super heros. Then the conversation started about pay and what would be considered fair. I threw out some gas station bubble game numbers and he wasn't buying it and insisting that I give him a respectable number because he respected me. I respected him too but I didnt want to charge him because I wasn't there for the money. The same way he saw potential in me years ago, the tables turn and I see the great potential in our collaborations. I'm not lying to you, this guy is extremely talented and his work ethic is INSANE! Just like me of course....

The Deal

Let's get to the point..he offered me a small amount of money which I accepted obviously..he mentioned something about getting more money in the future and all this...what he doesnt know is that im very successful in what I do now..I knew he couldnt offer more because people dont like to pay much for guys to film houses that they HOPE to sell for commission. It's very hard to make a living off these real estate brokers and I know all about it. Then, I resorted back to my business IQ and explained that the amount of pay is relative because if you can offer value to someone it can increase the "amount" you pay people. Use your resources as value that you can use to incentivize the opportunity. I explained..the way to innovate any business is to start with the business model first. If we can figure out how to give each other maximum value then that would create synergy within our companies. This would be the ultimate goal seeeing as he is my friend he is insanely talented..and still one of my mentors. We are now in the process of creating a new business model and finding all kinds of way to give each other maximum value so we can BOTH win and get what we need. That is how you do business with a friend when they cant offer you a million dollars LOL. 

I Still Get Messages From Fans On Social Media

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