The Art Of Blogging


Coming up with a blog that is going to move a large number of audiences and make you earn a lot of money is a no laughing matter. That is why I have decided to put together this guide for my first post in this blog, to help you make the choices which will increase your chances of developing a popular site that people will want to visit again and again.

This guide will hopefully give you some pointers, some tips and help you on your way to making your blog not only good, and read well, but also garner that all important traffic, fans, friends, commenters and possibly detractors and will eventually help you make lot if you have already set up your blog and just looking to improve upon what you have already created, then pick and choose — dip in and out the parts that most benefit you. I have divided this guide into several blogs and will be adding them over time.

You’ve probably heard all about blogging, vlogging, tweeting, podcasting, and microblogging, but might have assumed that becoming a blogger (someone who writes a blog), however of money.

This guide will show you how to monetize your blog, grabbing your share of traffic, which in turn will help make some revenue from your words. It will take you through the stages of setting up your blog, monetizing it and even how to drive traffic in easy to follow steps.

If you are new to blogging then I suggest you start By this post and working your way through, vlogger if used correctly.

Using blogging as a powerful business tool is something that almost every business, in every industry, now needs to use to remain competitive.

This Article will help you recognize and capitalize on the immense opportunity that awaits you. Blogging is a viable and accepted form of mass communication.

And, due to its low cost of entry, just about anybody can build a profitable business publishing blogs or incorporate a blog into their existing business’s online activities.

Before we get started, the main idea you need to take away from this Article is that, yes, blogging is easy to do. However, if you build it, they will not necessarily come. Even if you create and publish the most incredible, innovative, creative, imaginative, entertaining, informative, and engaging blog in the history of the internet, if you don’t also invest the time and money necessary to promote your blog, it won’t generate an audience.

After all, thousands of new blogs are created each and every day, and there are millions upon millions of successful (and not-so-successful) blogs already out there in the blogosphere.

If you want your blog to be successful, you’ll need to be creative and innovative, target your original content directly to your intended audience, and most important, promote your blog to build and maintain its following.
Thus, the blogging process can be summed up using the following four steps, which we’ll explore in detail throughout this Blog Post:

  1. Create original blog content that’s targeted to and will appeal to your intended audience. As you’ll discover, your blog can include text, photos, video, active links, graphics, and other multimedia content.

  2. Publish your blog, and make it available to the world.

  3. Maintain your blog, and keep it updated with new and innovative content on an ongoing basis.

  4. Promote your blog on an ongoing basis to establish, and then continuously build and maintain, its audience.

To become a successful blogger doesn’t necessarily require a lot of money, but it does require dedication and the investment of time and resources. Unless you aggressively approach each of the four blogging steps just described, your blog will probably fail.

If, however, you take the right approach and go into this project with realistic expectations, the possibilities are truly limitless. Before we really get started learning all about blogging, it’s important to understand that these days, a blog can take on many forms.

It can be created using just text, or you can combine text with photos, video, audio, computer graphics, and other multimedia content in order to convey your core message or information to your intended audience.

Likewise, a blog does not need to be a stand-alone entity. It can be published as part of a website or Facebook page, for example, or it can be directly linked to everything else you’re doing online.

In the past, a blog was mainly text-based. Thanks to recent advancements in internet-related technologies, the line between blogging, vlogging, podcasting, website publishing, and being active on services like Facebook and Google+ has blurred. Thus, within this Blog Post, we’ll touch on how to best utilize many of these technologies and methods for effectively reaching your target audience.

Based on what you’re trying to accomplish, you may discover that just using text isn’t the best way to communicate your core message, and that also utilizing photos allows you to more effectively reach your audience.

Or, you may want to invest in video production (for vlogging) or produce audio-based podcasts to communicate with your intended audience. Each of these communication methods relates to blogging, yet requires a different set of skills to create, plus can have a different impact on your audience.

If your goal is to generate revenue from your blog and develop yourself into an online celebrity or internet personality, this is the best book, to getting you going.
tool, and maintain a high level of journalistic integrity.

Thanks to blogging, however, anyone, from anywhere, has the ability to share their thoughts, ideas, knowledge, opinions, and/or expertise with a potentially vast worldwide audience, and the cost to do this is practically at lower cost.

Using a blog, it’s possible to publish almost any type of content and make it available to the world within minutes — not hours, days, weeks, or months. As a blogger, you’re free to write or say just about anything, without having it edited or censored in any way. (Of course, slander, copyright infringement, and a few other laws still apply.)

But, for the most part, as a blogger, cyberspace is your stage, soapbox, or pulpit, and the millions of web surfers in the world are your potential audience members.

Some people create, publish, and manage a blog just for fun — as a way to share information with or entertain immediate friends and family. However, millions of other people have discovered that blogging is an extremely powerful and cost-effective marketing, promotional, sales, and advertising bosses, or become the host of a radio or TV show.

Even if you managed to land one of these jobs, you still needed to adhere to the strict editorial guidelines of your magazine, that you should think about this over and over again.

In the past, if you wanted to reach a mass audience, it was necessary to land a job as a reporter for a major newspaper or time, too expensive, and wouldn’t benefit you in any way.

Well, it is time consuming too (someone who hosts/produces a video-based blog), and/or a podcaster (someone who produces an audio podcast) is


To start with, you should well understand what a blog is before you decide to venture into the business. By doing this, you will have the full information about what you are going to venture into.

First, think carefully about what you want to say and what information you want to communicate via your blog. Make sure you have enough content to share over the long term, and will be able to regularly update your blog with fresh, engaging, and relevant content.

Next, consider who your target audience will be. Then, figure out the best way to convey your information to your audience, and determine if you’ll primarily use text, photos, video, audio, computer graphics, and/or other multi- media content.

Think about how much technological knowledge you have, and how much time and money you want to invest in developing and producing your content.

Once you’ve considered all of these important elements, you’ll be in a much better position to begin planning and creating what will hopefully become a successful blog. Plus, you’ll be able to determine which service you’ll use to host your blog, and be able to discover effective ways to promote it.

This Blog Post will help you understand the significance of the blogging phenomenon, and more importantly, show you how people from around the world are using blogging to circumvent commonly accepted publishing procedures, and keep the profits generated from their own work, while also maintaining 100 percent creative control over their content.

Once you decide to create a blog, the next step is to come up with an amazing topic to write about — one that will allow you to keep creating new, interesting, engaging, and innovative content (blog entries) on an ongoing basis.

Once you’ve chosen your topic, it’s important to develop an overall goal for your blog. You must truly understand the blog’s purpose and what you want to get out of it. At the same time, you need to clearly define your blog’s target audience, then develop content that caters specifically to that audience. All this needs to be part of your blog planning process, but more on that later.

As with any business, success is impossible without a solid foundation.

Take your time with each and every step. Do your research, and think about the long-term ramifications of everything you do. At the same time, keep considering your overall blogging objectives, and make sure your actions will help you achieve them.

While there’s no limit to how much money you can earn running a successful and popular blog, it’s important to have realistic expectations. Truly successful bloggers often use their blog as a way to better communicate with customers and clients, or as a sales and marketing tool for their businesses.

If you’re creating a blog as a business venture with hopes it will generate profits, this requires a lot of planning and promotion,, managing, and promoting the blog, but also over- seeing the business side of the online venture as well.

Before you start calculating all the riches you’ll be earning as a blogger, let’s spend a few minutes exploring what a blog, vlog, podcast, and microblog actually are. After all, you need to determine if this is what you want to do, what approach you want to take, and whether you have the wherewithal to do it right.

Let’s first start by knowing what a blog means
publishing, creating because you’ll need to build and maintain an extremely large and dedicated following for the blog before it will generate any serious revenue.

In fact, self-publishing and self-promoting any type of work can be a bit of a challenge. While it won’t cost you a fortune to create and publish a successful blog that generates revenue, it will require that you put in serious work — not just


The term “blog” comes from combining the words “web” and “log,” which was used for a short time to describe websites that published a running archive of dated entries, sort of like a digital diary that was displayed in chronological order. The techno-geeks that created the first “web logs” coined the term “weblog,” which ultimately evolved into the term “blog.”

The word “blog,” as a noun, can describe a regularly updated, primarily text- based website with individual, dated posts that are displayed chronologically.

This is a traditional blog. Of course, today’s traditional blogs can also incorporate photos, videos, audio, and graphics, but they’re primarily text-based, and use a standard format for each entry.

The word can also be used as a verb, as in “to blog,” meaning to actively submit posts to a website, which is also referred to as “blogging.” The people who run blogs are known as “bloggers,” and the whole collection of all the internet’s blogs is known as the “blogosphere.”

The anatomy of a traditional, text-based blog is nothing more than a basic website with a bunch of dated entries. All of the blogging services that host blogs allow bloggers to customize the look of their blog, by choosing text colors, fonts, and an overall layout or design.

Many use professionally created templates that can be fully customized but that require no programming to use.

Beyond traditional blogs, there are also vlogs, podcasts, and microblogs. Avlog is a collection of videos, recorded and edited by the vlogger

Instead of using text, the vlogger stars in their own videos, and often simply looks into the camera and talks to their audience. You’ll find many popular vloggers on YouTube. Some have become popular internet personalities with huge followings.

Thanks to Twitter,. and services like Facebook and Google+, millions of people have gotten hooked on microblogging. Instead of writing lots of text for a traditional blog, or recording videos for a vlog a combination of online activities to achieve their goals. For example, they’d use a blog to promote a company, product, or service’s website, and then use a Twitter feed and/or a Facebook page to promote the blog and/or the website.

YouTube videos can also be used to cross-promote a website, blog, Facebook page, and/or Twitter feed. Thus, the same core content and message is repackaged in several ways, across multiple platforms, to reach a broader audience using different forms of media.

There are no limits as to what topic can be covered within a blog. You can convey thoughts, ideas, facts, or opinions. You can also offer how-to information, share your expertise, spread gossip, or promote a person, company, product, or service. Some blogs are created just for fun — to make people laugh or to share information with friends and immediate family.

These blogs cover topics such as how to build websites, what technologies to try, and what up-and-coming trends to watch. These bloggers alert their audience to individuals as well as companies, they simply update their microblog feed with ongoing entries which are no longer than 140 characters in length (about one sentence long).

Meanwhile, for people who don’t like to write, services like Instagram allow people to upload images and include an optional text-based caption, keywords, and location to a photo.

For obvious reasons, microblogging is the easiest to do and requires the least amount of time and effort. Yet there are microbloggers with millions of followers who use their Twitter feed, for example, to promote their company, products, services, or themselves very successfully.

Many use, news by keeping a constant finger on the pulse of a particular exciting often bloggingindustry and provide a valuable service.
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