Game of Thrones season 8

Hey guys how are you doing ?


Today I am gonna talk about game of thrones the greatest Tv show ever.
As everyone of you may know that Season 8 is going live on 14th April and fans are going mad about it and I am one of them.I'm very happy about the Season 8 as it going to be live soon and I will be able to watch it and at the same time I'm sad too because this is gonna be the last season of the greatest Tv show ever.

There are literally thousands of theories about the ending of the season 8 which really pissed me off. Well before watching Game of thrones I didn't read the book on which it was based but as Seasons came after one another I was eager to read the books . I was really fascinated by idea of George RR Martin that how beautifully he has portrayed every character .

Thanks for your time !
If you are a fan of Game of Thrones then tell me how much are you excited about the new season!


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