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My 2019: The last 2019 Showcase Weekend: Steeming Hot Year

2019 was a really great year for me and my Steem account. I spent most of the year participating in contests and review challenges. Most of these challenges improved me in some way or at least led to new contacts and friends.


This review of my posts is in response to the call by @anomadsoul and @blocktrades, and here are my three entries

Being The Other Guy:Comedyopenmic 44 second entry

One of my favourite communities on this platform is @comedyopenmic and despite the contest halting for the past couple of months, I still look back fondly at some of the funny entries I made. One of my favourites is being the other guy.

The post paints a funny and satirical view about guys that are neither players(fuck boys) nor the good guys. These sad set of guys are sat on the fence and never get any action from the ladies.

Being the other guy has taught me many things; patience, perseverance, pain, sadness but most importantly, it has shown me that I'll indeed have to knock someone up and force her to marry me when the time is right. I'll apply my skills: I'll patiently persevere through the pain and sadness and then strike when my time is right.

It really sucked to be that guy but hell, I'm out of there now and got me a girlfriend. haha

The Struggle: Never Give Up

I made this video while I was feeling a bit down and hurt by life. It was sometime last month and in that period, I was really depressed and downtrodden.

I woke up in November and decided to make a video of my frustration where I talked about my struggle with getting up, consistency,procrastination and other things. The struggle is human nature after all, and we all struggle in one way or the other. Never Give Up.

What is the Value of a Dollar?

This post was borne as a result of my view of my society. I felt compelled to document my feelings about the suffering and hardship members of my immediate environment experience and I connected it to the value of a dollar.

I talked about these kids that I still see who spend their whole day roaming and begging for funds, some unemployed guys who spend most of their day under then sun and then related it to the extravagant lifestyle lived by Nigerian politicians. The article points out the injustice of the system and uneven spread of wealth in the country.

2019 was a productive year for me and I hope 2020 will also be as awesome. I wrote and participated more than ever this year and I intend to even do more next year. We keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.