Runkod - Road ahead

Today we would like to share our development plans and upcoming benefits of using Runkod with you that we've already started to work on.

Better DNS Management

Our current DNS & Web server management flow works good. But sometimes due to DNS propogation delays it can take little while to activate SSL certificates. To improve it, we are switching to TXT record based domain verification. Once you verify your domain name on Runkod, you will be able to create your projects with that domain instantly.

Code Branches

Code branches will allow smooth transition between versions without any downtime.

Do you have a new release? Create a new branch and activate it with one click.
Is there a problem with last release? Rollback to previous code instantly. Isn't that awesome?!

Data Buckets

This will allow you to collect data from any kind of web forms on your website. Manage and work with that data.


We are creating endpoints of all operations you can do on web console. This will allow Runkod more flexible and integratable with other platforms. Also offer other developers to build on top of our services, extend it and automate some of the operations.


Imagine a command line tool that allows you to do everything you can do with Runkod API.
It will open up whole new world of possibilities for our developer community.

> runkod create "my-new-project"

> runkod deploy ./build

Are you excited about new changes as we are? Share you feedback and opinion via any channels. We would love to hear from you.

Host your project with Runkod!

Be part of great people who are decentralizing the web!

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