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Global packaging industry trends for 2019

The global volume of the packaging market in the main areas (paper, cardboard, plastic, etc.) by the end of 2018 will exceed $ 1,000 billion. Here are the main trends in the industry for 2019.


The current trend is small packaging or single-portion packaging. This is due to social and demographic factors: an increase in the number of single and elderly people, single-parent families, as well as a reduction in the time spent in the modern world on cooking. The volume of shipping and handling is constantly increasing due to the fact that the consumer prefers small packaging of end products of all industries: food, including chilled products, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and others.


The consumer wants more and more information about the products he consumes, based on ethical considerations and health safety. Consequently, now trademarks have to find an unmistakable balance between the required information and the attractiveness of the packaging, which can cause consumer demand. Indeed, 67% of purchasing decisions are dictated by the emotional aspect.

Electronic / Mobile Commerce

In this area, the main guiding principles of consumer demand motivation are price, comfort, time saving and home delivery. Packaging performs more than just a protective function. Technologies such as a bar code, radio frequency identification (RFID) or a QR code provide the ability to trace the origin of goods and allow you to detect a fake to protect the interests of brands and consumers.

Digital packaging

This concept includes individual packaging, marking the origin of the goods, access to consumer information, as well as augmented reality and geolocation. New technologies today allow packaging to become a subject that “connects” to the everyday life of consumers and turns the buying process into an experiment that continues at their home. Naturally, the development of digital technology greatly affects the operation of supply and distribution systems.

There is one more thing can move packaging to a new level. That is Blockchain technologies. Currently, there are dozens of projects offering different solution, however not all of them are successful. Open Packaging Network is the exception from the rule. The Open Packaging Network (OPN) is a fair trade center where premises are provided in accordance with promises and agreements between buyers and sellers, an open platform for online reliable, fast and transparent transactions. Sellers and buyers, indeed, can publish housing and the products that they provide or need, interact with each other, receiving from the counterparty. The ecosystem is designed to act as a universal solution for all related packaging facilities. Stay tuned with the official Telegram channel: