DEEP AERO Has Launched It's Exclusive Drone ICO Contest

DEEP AERO Has Launched It's Exclusive Drone ICO Contest

The past few years have been landmark years for advancements in artificial intelligence and innovation continues to flourish in this space. This is a sort of “deep learning” that enables machines to process data for themselves on a very sophisticated level, enabling them to perform complex functions like facial recognition. On the other hand drones have become central to the functions of various businesses and governmental organizations have managed to pierce through areas where certain industries were either stagnant or lagging behind. AI permits machines, for example, drones(automatons) to settle on choices and work themselves for their human controllers. Today I'am going to discuss about an advance technical platform known as Deep Aero which utilizes the Drone technology powered by AI and Blockchain.

About Deep Aero:

Deep Aero is a blockchain based decentralized, intelligent, self-aware, autonomous drone traffic management platform. DEEP AERO is building a harmonized framework for Air Traffic Management (ATM) And Drone/UAS Traffic Management (UTM). The usage of unmanned aerial vehicles (meanders/UAVs) is extending exponentially. Drone UTM platform will harmonize integration between UTM systems completely and empower industry. It is building an autonomous drone economy powered by AI & blockchain technology. Deep Aero provides three vital services including Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Monitoring/ Deep Aero UTM platform, Cargo and Passenger Drones, Drone Marketplace. “The use of unmanned aerial vehicles is increasing exponentially,” said Gurmeet Singh, CEO of DEEP AERO. “We’re heading towards a future in which millions of drones will fly billions of flights. At some point in the not-too-distant future, fleets of commercial drones are expected to swarm across the skies. Current airspace management and air traffic flow management systems don’t have the capabilities to handle the type of operations relevant to drones. In addition, the anticipated traffic density of drones is far beyond the capabilities of current air traffic management systems.”

Major Use Cases of Drones:

In just a couple of years, drones have enhanced and redefined a variety of industrial sectors. Today we can see that almost all sectors in our life drones are being effectively used.Not only they are used to quickly deliver goods or broadly study the environment but also used in areal transportation. Some of the Drone use cases outlined are mention below-

» Aerial surveys

» Aerial transportation

» Security and surveillance

» Crowd control and management

» Livestock and agriculture management

» High-rise commercial building maintenance and safety inspections

» Inspection and maintenance of pipelines, underground sewer system, wind turbines, power lines, and more

» Wildlife conservation

» Forest firefighting

» Traffic monitoring

» Package deliveries and other cargo deliveries

» Photography and filmmaking

» Pesticide delivery

Deep Aero Drone ICO:

Deep Aero has launched it's Ethereum platform based Drone token. It's token type is ERC 20. All together they launched a total number of 5 billion (5,000,000,000) Drone Tokens. Where 

» 50% (2.5 billion) is for the ICO

» 25% (1.25 billion) is for the founders

» 10% (500 million) is going to the advisors

»10% (500 million) for the pre-sale »5% (250 million) to the marketing.

The selling price of Drone tokens is $0.05 (assuming an exchange rate of 1 ETH = $1,000 USD).


DeepAero has announced an ICO contest. In this contest contributors can easily participate and can get some exciting prizes. In this contest they will give 1 passenger drone which worth $450000 and 300 DJI PHANTOM 4 PRO drones which worth $1500 as reward to lucky winners from the pool of all contributors who contribute 1 ETH or more to its ICO campaign, subject to the ICO campaign getting fully subscribed. So it's a great opportunity for all the contributors to achieve this kind of precious rewards. There are some terms and conditions which is mention below

Terms and Conditions:

» Contest will be conducted on 1 Sept 2018 in a fair and transparent manner by a reputed third party.

» This term is very much important for the contributors. It is a clear note for the contributors that If contribution amount is 100 ETH, the number of entries for the lucky draw will be counted as 100 entries from that ETH address. If contribution amount is 1.99 ETH, the number of entries for the lucky draw will be counted as 1 entry from that ETH address.

» The prizes will be awarded just if ICO is finished effectively and no less than 75,000 ETH are brought up in the ICO.

» Also there will be an ETH address verification term where Winners of the contest will undergo through this verification process.  If this process is not completed successfully, the prize will be awarded to next person in queue.

» Winner will be responsible for complying with all regulations in his/her/its jurisdiction, transportation costs and all tax liabilities.

Step by step instructions to purchase DEEP AERO (DRONE) Tokens:

First of all go to There you will see "Purchase DRONE TOKENS" button. Tap on "Purchase DRONE TOKENS" button which will diverted you to a new page. To continue further you will need an account. Click the sign in button if you are already a member else click sign up button. Following stage you will be diverted to "Drone Token Sale Contract Address" Page.

 Take after the guidelines deliberately to finish the exchange securely. You need to transfer ETH to the drone token sale contract address from your wallet. Minimum contribution amount is 0.1ETH. For a successful transactions use at least 120000 Gas.

Note: For security purposes they have removed the DRONE Token Sale Contract Address. When you sign in, You will be able to see it.

For bonus tokens you need to fill up your ETH address and a bonus code. After completing this press submit to continue. Here I have included a bonus code. You can use this bonus code while submitting your KYC and before sending your ETH.

The Bonus Code is :  ALWY4TRX

After that you need to complete your KYC details. For KYC you need to provide your Government Approved ID and a selfie with Government ID. After a complete submission of your data you will see a success message below the “Submit” button. Here at you can check your Drone token balance.

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