Litecoin wallpaper. What is litecoin? Did Coinbase and Charlie Lee cheat us?


Here you have my Litecoin wallpaper design.

You can download it and put as wallpaper.


But what is Litecoin?

Litecoin is a cryptocurrency that is based on a P2P network and on open source software published under the MIT license. Inspired by Bitcoin, it was created and developed by 6 developers led by former Google employee Charlie Lee.

Devised as the alternative to Bitcoin, Litecoin performs the processing of a block every 2.5 minutes, producing 4 times more units than Bitcoin. It uses the Scrypt function in its PoW algorithm, that is, it applies a sequential function that allows to undermine many more users when it is adapted to CPUs and GPUs.


What happened to Charlie Lee and Coinbase?

Curious, the creator of Litecoin, a former Google employee, starts working at Coinbase, then coinbase adds its third cryptocurrency to its platform, after Bitcoin and Ethereum, and later this without further leaving the company. Next, Litecoin witnesses a meteoric rise, from $ 35 in June 2017, to $ 350 in December 2017.
What was this upload sent to? Any pending account between Charlie Lee and Coinbase?
The currency then collapsed to $ 22 in December 2018.
Draw your own conclusions .... I have it clear 🤫.


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