From Epicenter Bitcoin to Epicenter

We’re approaching the 3-year anniversary of this podcast, and with this have officially entered the dinosaur category in the cryptocurrency and blockchain community. But with age comes change and some things that once looked shiny and fresh on this baby dinosaur have become ill-fitting. One of these is our name ‘Epicenter Bitcoin’.

Back when we started, most of the projects in the industry were related to Bitcoin or altcoins somehow, and the term Bitcoin was both the name of the most prominent project, but also an umbrella term encompassing the wider field. Even then we thought that at some point the explicit reference to Bitcoin would become too constricting and lose its relevance. That time has now come.

Thus, going forward, we will be using the name Epicenter instead of Epicenter Bitcoin.

Wait! Did Goldman Sachs buy you? Have you joined the dark side?

Unfortunately, so far we have been neither loud nor annoying enough to receive a fat acquisition offer to remove that pesky ‘Bitcoin’ from our name or dull our content to an indistinguishable grey. So rest assured, in terms of content there will be no changes. Already in one our first episodes we covered Ethereum and have a majority of our episodes have not been Bitcoin related but covered the countless other exciting projects like IPFS, Tendermint, Zcash or many others.

All of the show’s distribution channels will remain unchanged. Listeners who subscribe to the podcast via iTunes or RSS, or through the Let’s Talk Bitcoin Network feed will continue to receive new episodes every Monday. Our social media presence and profiles on YouTube, SoundCloud, TuneIn and other podcast apps also remain unchanged.

We’ve got a shiny new website too!

One more big(-ish) news we do have: We just launched our new website! This has been in the making for a long time so we’re very happy it’s finally ready.

The new website will bring more focus to video, includes an updated design and will make it easier to find episodes by theme and guest. We’re still working out a few kinks so please bear with us as we fix all the bugs and progressively roll out all the new features. We hope you’ll like it and are open to your feedback or suggestion on social media or at

On a final note, we would like to thank you guys, our listeners for all the love and support you’re given us these past almost-3 years! In this time, Epicenter has become, along with Let’s Talk Bitcoin, the two most influential and widely listened show in the industry. Almost 10,000 people listen to it on a weekly basis from all corners of the world and that’s a wonderful thing. Also thanks for all the Tweets, iTunes reviews and emails we got. They are what keep us going so thank you!

Original post on Medium

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