Native: Community Builder On The Blockchain


Native is a token built on ethereum platform, the main functionality of this token is to enable each community to create their own token without having to learn about smart contract programming like Solidity. They can manage their resources by taking decision together. Every member of the community have a voice and all votes matters. With native, even the smallest community in the society can build strong economy that will contribute to overall economy of entire cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Current, the project is in Alpha state, you can buy Native token (NTV) in order to participate in any community created on Native, or you can create new community that cater for certain needs. This project is still at it early stage, if you have a community that can benefit from decentralized economy and governance, it is safe to acquire token now at cheap price.

Native Will Encourage Community Growth

There is a popular adage that says "man's heart is where his money is." To join any community on Native, one must have a stake in form of community based token and influence is determined by number of stake. People are always serious with community goals where they are stakeholders, they will do anything within their capacity and capability to ensure the growth of the community, which will translate to growth of their stakes.

The fact that all tokens can be exchanged for another token implies that members can switched between communities or join multiple ones. This will encourage each community to cater for interest of her members in other to retain and increase members.

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