Quantum Computers Will Strengthen Blockchain Technology

Steemit Technology


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The discourse of quantum computer supremacy that is claimed by Google and called capable of threatening the existence of blockchain technologies such as Bitcoin, will in fact strengthen blockchain technology.

Last month Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin said that quantum computers are not a threat to Bitcoin and other blockchain technologies. However, according to research by TechNavio, the growth of quantum computers in the future will have a positive impact on the blockchain market and contribute to its growth significantly.

"The potential threat of quantum computers to public cryptographic systems, including blockchain technology, has finally led many blockchain developers to produce quantum proof technology. This means that blockchain technology in the future is actually able to ward off the threat of quantum computers, rather than running in places. In fact, development in that direction is aided by a quantum computer, "said TechNavio.

TechNavio also predicts the blockchain market for the retail sector will grow to US $ 1.52 globally by 2023. The most likely demand is a matter of increasing security.

Greetings Blockchain Technology


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