how to move on after breakup

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what is a breakup?
when you two people separate due to some reason is called the breakup.
breakups are not only in the relationship it can be in friendship

how to move on after the breakup -

  1. Accept the empty feeling - it is normal to feel empty after the breakup. because when you are in a relationship with the person that person fill some space in your life . when he left space there is the obvious feeling of emptiness

  2. Cut off all contact for real - Absence is exactly what you need to cool off, process your feelings and change your perspective at the end of a relationship

  3. Feel your feelings - I'm a believer in feeling your feelings until you are done feeling them. But sometimes raw feelings, especially after a breakup, can get overwhelming, and that's where cognitive behavioural therapy fits in.

  4. Challenge your negative thoughts - There will be a lot of negative thoughts in your mind, but you have to fight against them. Just think positive and ignore your negative thoughts.

  5. Be brutally honest with yourself - The only effective way to challenge your thoughts is with brutal honesty. This is the portion of post-breakup recovery that I like to lovingly call "ripping off the Band-Aid." It hurts. it will take time.

  6. Do you - do you care about her ? try to not think about her.

  7. Get back out there - No, you don't have to sign up for a dating website with a quivering chin and tear tracks still fresh on your face, but you do have to make an effort to spend time with people you care about.

  8. Look toward the future, & don't look back - look towards your future, there are lot of people in this world find better one for yourself . don't repeat same mistake.

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I just posted after 13 days was going​
through breakup phase. myself trying to move on . will work hard,​ myself will follow these steps and post articles on steemit regularly.

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