
As far as blockchain-savvy individuals (including enthusiasts, writers, avid readers) and corporations go, the extent of potential danger that social media platforms exposes us to, is no a longer a secret. And, this is in light of the efforts of certain blockchain-oriented brands.
By virtue of this recent awakening, many people have come into knowledge of the concept, data monetisation. Just as it rightly suggests and as you might have already been hearing, data is indeed easily monetized as there is an ever-present market for it. Advertising firms, research bodies, the computing industry, medical laboratories and so on. To say the least, the list of data consumers is hardly exhaustible.

In an ideal system, it is unimaginable that the original data owners reap nothing off their own data trades but that is in fact the harsh reality. And most times, it's because majority of data tradeoffs are done without the owner's knowledge and in a clandenstine manner.

Presently, many internet users, specially social media bystanders and frequenters in general are more than ever, displeased with the ethical conduct of many digital platforms. As a matter of fact, the level of public trust appears to be gradually diminishing.
Again, the reason for this is not far-fetched. Majority of digital platforms on the web and mobile today are for the most part, centralised, if not entirely. The likes of Facebook, twitter, flickr and google map are very good examples. An earful of aspersions have been casted on how that many of these giant corporations give out client's data to interested buyers which should otherwise remain confidential. And, the only reason that this is possible in the first place is because the key to absolute governance, management, control and legislation of the platform and its resources resides within a very small circle. Hence, it is convenient to tradeoff users' data whilst staying under the radar. It is not out of place then to conclude that the current system outrightly makes it difficult to hold them accountable.

At this junction, there is obviously no gain in maintaining status-quo, but who's ready to bell the cat?
The rest of this article focuses on Enkronos Apps and how it will improve public trust in digital platforms.

What is Enkronos Apps ?

Enkronos Apps is a commonplace user-friendly suite which houses and provides support for a host of applications, both web and app alike. Unlike many existing platforms, Enkronos Apps is powered by blockchain technology which enables transparency. _20181117_081708.jpg

In addition, the singular denomination on Enkronos Apps is ENK. ENK is first, peculiar to only Enkronos Apps, but its use spans across the applications on Enkronos Apps


As a blockchain-driven platform, Enkronos Apps will likewise be able deploy all the features of blockchain technology. One of the interesting perks is transparency.
The technology enables Enkronos Apps to be transparent and accountable to its users. The platform will keep its audience abreast on the purpose and extent of their data usage from time to time.

This will undoubtedly go a long way to improve public trust in digital platforms.

Continuous Improvement of User Experience and Satisfaction

Being a 100% decentralised multi-application platform that is easily accountable, its no rocket science that data is it's only food. In fact, it is exposed to an extensive amount of it, considering that Enkronos Apps caters for advertising & marketing firms, big data technologies, and many others. This collected data is especially useful to applications owners. It helps them to better understand their client's needs and by implication, how best to improve their services in order to create a better use experience and optimal satisfaction.

Whereas its hard to even get users' feedback in existing system, talk less of accruing useful data for better customer service delivery.

100% Reliable and Secure

One of the underpined core competencies of Enkronos Apps is security. As a platform that is perpetually data-driven all the time, hackers will obviously find it very attractive, meaning that there will many attempts to hack the system. But Enkronos Apps is aware of this, which is part of the reasons it adopted a decentralised governance system. In addition, top-level security measures and protocols are already in place to capacitate the eventualities of a cyber attack.


Enkronos Apps will continue to evolve to meet the growing needs of the host of applications on the platform. And this is hugely attributed to the futuristic design of the platform's architecture. The team identified ahead of time that it was necessary to build a massive optimising data infrastructures so as to be able cater for a period of exponential activities increase.


It is clear from the foregone that Enkronos Apps is a unique platform which has the potential to repair the current state of things in the digital world as regards the issue of public trust. Personally, if Enkronos Apps will live up to its promise, I have no doubt that it will revolutionise the way users interact with digital platforms. And inevitably, promote mass adoption of blockchain, AIs and cryptocurrencies.

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For more information:
Enkronos Apps
Enkronos Website
Enkronos Whitepaper
Enkronos Telegram

Author: Adesanya Michael
BountyOx Username: michades97

All images were culled from the white paper and website

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