Startup Egretia: A new solution for the HTML5 platform based on Blockchain technology

The development of technology is without a halt, a US-based startup called Egretia has found a new technology platform that can help HTML5 grow to a higher level, based on Blockchain technology.


The goal of the project will be to build an ecosystem of 200,000 application developers and more than 1 billion mobile devices using the new HTML5 platform - Blockchain Egretia.

HTML5 has contributed greatly to the overall development of the internet for a long time. Developers always know how to make the most of the resources provided by HTML5 to build a huge industry in every industry. These include games, OTT applications, and social networking.

However, HTML5 on the Internet has many drawbacks, as there are no general "payment methods" for all industries when developers' products use HTML5.
For the high-end gaming industry, the "transparency" problem of in-game assets is unresolved. There is no mechanism to ensure intellectual property rights related to products built from HTML5.

From the above limitations, the recently launched Egretia startup has teamed up with China's leading technology group Egret Technology. Both are building a new platform for HTML5 called "Blockchain Egretia," to address the shortcomings of HTML5 at the moment.
What is the advantage of HTML5 on the Blockchain Egretia platform compared to the regular internet platform?
The first is the easy to build and customize HTML5 code, support multi-platform language such as JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Node.js, C #, Go, C ++, AngularJS, React and other programming languages. The next step is to speed up the processing of hardware devices and not limited to the Blockchain environment to help users quickly login to the application.

In addition, application developers easily provide blockchain-based HTML5-based solutions and services to users, content providers, TV channels, and advertisers. Even individuals or organizations can easily build a perfect ecosystem based on Blockchain Egretia's HTML5 platform.

Finally, publishers can easily obtain advertising through games, sales, storage, and optimization of a range of related communications services.

**What is the benefit for users of HTML5 products on the Blockchain Egretia platform?
This product makes it easy for end users to earn money through Egret (EGT), by transferring advertising messages from the publisher to others in the ecosystem they are using. For example, in a game or social game, the OTT application (Zalo, Wechat).

Anti-fraud, transparency of user behavior, ultra-high security through a variety of technology solutions. Anonymous and encrypted user's mechanism to ensure privacy.

In addition, it helps to avoid duplication, account forgery on all games, applications when joining the Blockchain Egretia platform through ID authentication technology (KYC). At the same time, you can use Egreten (EGT) to trade and exchange items in the game.

In addition, the user also has his own Blockchian address to hold the property permanently when owned, the property can not be lost as soon as the developer stops. Egreten (EGT) can be used to participate in any model within the ecosystem of Blockchain Egretia.

On 26 May, Egretia startup will call for capital from retail investors around the world in the form of ICO to proceed to build Blockchain called Egretia. Details on the Egretia project

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