Bumo Is Providing Unique Blockchain Solutions

Hello world! Here is another exciting blockchain that I want to review, it is solving arrays of problems that are yet to be solved by existing blockchains. Since the arrival of early blockchains, scalability has been a key problem that attempted to knock them off their feet. Without scalable blockchain that could enable several thousands of transactions per second without getting congested for a minute, we are going nowhere. Decentralization is a good news, but typical businessmen and financial institutions need somethings in addition to transparency that blockchain offers.

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The vulnerability of PoW coins and attack on verge has created new bad feelings about this technology, some adopters and potential adopters have lost confidence in security provided on the blockchain. For now, BFT (Byzantine Fault Tolerance) is consensus that guarantee reasonable amount to security. Right, it has not been molested by hackers.

Why Hybrid of DPoS and PBFT?

The essence of combining attributes of different consensus is to ensure that they compliment each other. Delegated Proof of Work is all about how nodes can be ran without giving any chance to attacks.

Without adequate knowledge of Solidity language, developers cannot write smart contract language on Ethereum blockchain, but this is fast changing because Bumo realized that the best way to lower to technical difficulties is to allow all kinds of programing languages to write smart contract program on the blockchain. In reality, this is the most attractive public blockchain.

Why Hybrid of DPoS and PBFT?

The essence of combining attributes of different consensus is to ensure that they compliment each other. Delegated Proof of Work is all about how nodes can be ran without giving any chance to attacks.

For More Information About Bumo

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