When In Doubt? Blame Capitalism

Hey Capitalist J's

The primary reason I blog on this site is that, well everyone I come into contact with every day thinks I'm a complete loon. I've learned never to give my opinion on anything and when I'm asked and I give my honest opinion, well its immediately shut down by feelings, anecdote evidence and raising your voice and repeating what you say.

I'm not saying I'm always right, I'm just saying if I put up a point, feel free to counter it with something with any sort of substance. One thing I often debate is economics, politics and cultural norms and behaviours.

It seems like everyone has an answer as to why things are shit and my answers are just too radical and outlandish to be real. Could I be the Black David Icke? I think my main issue is that I cannot simply accept an opinion if theres nothing backing it.

Sometimes I feel like I'm taking crazy pills and that I need to be on whatever everyone else is on, because for the life of me. I cannot see what they see!


Image source: - turnwiddershins.co.uk

All of us are equal, equally fucked!

I grew up in socialist democracy, its a lot like a socialist state but you get to vote for one of the same choices that preserve a system doesn't really work all that well. If socialism worked why do we still have an ever-growing divide between the haves and the haves not?

Crony capitalism and corporate socialism has been the order of the day and is labelled capitalism by those who don't understand how these systems work. This pursuit of equality of outcome is a farce, it will never happen and shouldn't happen.

Give the free market a chance

Some people are just going to be better at their jobs or have more talent and resources than others. Some are going to be smarter than others and by that regard should be allowed to flourish. This is the free market and it's a beautifully elegant solution. Its poetry in motion, earning your market value for the goods and services you produce?

I think the free market concept has a marketing problem, its been lumped in with anything that is profit-driven and basically making profits a bad.

Blaming the Big C

So why do capitalists get all the blame? Because it pays to be the bad guy! What people don't understand is your bank, your government and your private enterprise is one thing. They are by no means competing with one another for dominance and regulating one another.

They are all extensions of one signal entity that extracts wealth from the working class. Workers create wealth via their labour and paid for it with an artificial market price. The rest is used to hedge bets and make money through arbitrage and redistributing income in a trickle-up fashion.

Your labour sets the value, then they can go out and print and move around money that now has value and makes themselves rich. Do you think a conglomerate of corporates could do that by themselves? No.

  • Banks create the money supply and redistribute it to corporates to pay staff and create goods and services that create wealth and give money value and demand
  • Government takes money from the banks to create state-owned service and civil services that create wealth and give money value and demand
  • Governments absorb the value of labour through tax and redistribute that to corporates and banks through a number of policies
  • Corporates move their money into banks and pay off governments to provide policies that allow them to continue extracting wealth from the mineral and labour markets in the country

What a tangled web we weave

It's all an interconnected weave that could not happen if it wasn't one central plan, it would not run so smoothly if it wasn't.

Corporates are happy to be the black sheep of the 3 while the other 2 sorts of brush their tainted reputation under the rug. I think assigning blame allows people to have a target in their sights, they have something they understand something to distract them from what's actually going on and why blaming capitalism is the perfect mask for it all.

But then again, what do I know? I'm just a raving lunatic online without evidence and a pot to piss in. Lol, I will continue to plug my voice online perhaps it will reach other delusional people.

For now, this Che signing off! Beam me up scotty!

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