Larry Fink, founder of Blackrock, the world’s largest asset manager with over $6 trillion in client funds, has just given Bloomberg an interview. In it he described the financial experiment that central banks and governments began 10 years ago as JUNK.

As I’ve written on multiple occasions, the global economy can’t continue to function normally with the U.S. issuing $1 trillion annual government deficits forever – but the end doesn’t necessarily have to occur tomorrow morning, either.

What we know for certain is that the trade war with China is holding back this administration from pursuing other key agenda initiatives and it is keeping the dollar elevated, since foreigners must hold USD reserves, so long as there is no deal in place. The administration is so focused on China that it is neglecting other important items, such as federal-level cannabis legalization. But North America is definitely not the only large market for medical-grade and adult-use cannabis.

I’ve seen tens of companies raising capital in an attempt to compete in the tough-to-navigate North American region; but what I’ve done throughout my own business career is to look for the CONTRARIAN angle, the low-competition set up, where money is on the floor, ready to be scooped up, in order to be a pioneer and to be first.

That’s where the advantage is found. Intel broke ground in the computer chips industry decades ago and still heads the industry. Walmart did the same with supercenter grocery stores. Starbucks accomplished this with coffee shop chains.

Only one gets to be first, and I’ve detected what is now the LEADING global cannabis stock in the world. There’s literally no one in 2nd place!

That’s how dominating this stock is, at this point, when it comes to international exposure. In fact, in the next cannabis conference I attend, I will approach the representatives of the financial community and institutions, showing them how this ONE company is like owning an international cannabis ETF.

It’s my No.1 way to gain exposure to all the frontier cannabis markets in one swoop. When institutions look to invest in European, Australian, and African cannabis industries, this company could potentially jump on their screens, right off the bat, since it has a presence in all of these.

Consider Shares of ICC Intl Cannabis (CSE: WRLD.U & US: WLDCF) NOW!

Our timing couldn’t be better, as I analyze the situation. They’ve just raised CAD$45M, so the company is robust; it meets all of our needed funding requirements to keep growing and operating its vast asset portfolio.

I’ve spent the past two weeks going over their assets, focusing on their primary cash producers and immediate priorities – it’s like watching a powerhouse being born, as I see it.

Take a look:

I’ve searched the books and asset columns of ALL publicly-traded cannabis companies, and none of them are so strategically positioned in key countries throughout the European Union as ICC International Cannabis (CSE: WRLD.U & US: WLDCF). It is either first, among the early, or even the ONLY cannabis presence!

On top of the European portfolio, management is advancing a facility in Colombia, and they own operations in Australia and South Africa.

In our view, this is like owning a Global Cannabis ETF. I’m entering this trade immediately. 

The upside potential of owning this type of diversified business, which already has LOCKED-IN agreements in place to supply cannabis three years into the future in Germany, is rare.

It’s not only the cultivation and production assets – ICC International Cannabis (CSE: WRLD.U & US: WLDCF) owns distribution and supply agreements with over 39,000 corporate and independent pharmacies.

This is astounding!

I’ve also uncovered a potential cash cow business model that the company has just started implementing with governments across Europe, which could turn this into a fairytale story.

I’ll publish the details tomorrow at 8:00 AM CST. It’s critical.

Best Regards,

Lior Gantz
Legal Notice:

This work is based on SEC filings, current events, interviews, corporate press releases and what we’ve learned as financial journalists. It may contain errors and you shouldn’t make any investment decision based solely on what you read here. It’s your money and your responsibility. Never base any decision off of our emails. Our report is not intended to be, nor should it be construed as an offer to buy or sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities, or as a recommendation to purchase anything. This publication may provide the addresses or contain hyperlinks to websites; we disclaim any responsibility for the content of any such other websites. Please do your own research before investing. Wallace Hill Partners LTD owned by the same members who own Wealth Research Group, have entered into a three year agreement with International Cannabis and have received three hundred thousand dollars and one million eight hundred thousand shares paid for directly by the company. We have also participated in a recent private placement and will not sell any shares during any active email coverage.The information herein is not intended to be personal legal or investment advice and may not be appropriate or applicable for all readers. If personal advice is needed, the services of a qualified legal, investment or tax professional should be sought.

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