My new routine

Every morning, my day starts with a cup of coffee and a slice of hot bread and Nutella. After breakfast, I love to dive into the world of computer science by watching different videos on Youtube about programming languages. I am interested in Python because I am choosing it for next term. I find it fascinating and inspiring to learn about all the possibilities this field has to offer and regret not choosing it from the beginning.

Lately, I have come to the realization that business is no longer what I am passionate about. I want a career that is more stimulating and has more action as I would say. So, I have made the decision to switch to computer science, but it is not final. To prepare for this major transition, I know that math will be a crucial part of my studies. I will be choosing College Algebra for the next term as well. So, I have been dedicating myself to preparing for the math courses I will need to take.

In the meantime, I'm fully immersing myself in learning about computer science. Exploring programming languages, watching videos and looking at different beginners' projects. This will definitely give me an idea. Actually, there are many of them on Youtube to follow and it is amazing to see very young programmers sharing them. They look easy but well writing them myself is not gonna be the same. There is so much to absorb, but I am excited to challenge myself and embrace this new journey. Although I know that it won't be an easy transition, yet I am pushing myself. I am motivated and inspired to take on this new challenge. The excitement is somehow keeping me happy and alive these days.

Image Source: Pixabay

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