Gets Long Awaited Face Lift

Thirty months ago Cryptonomex rode off into the sunset after releasing its open source Graphene library under the MIT license to the various projects that adopted and extended it (e.g. BitShares, Steemit, MUSE, Peerplays, PLAY, GOLOS ... and eventually EOS).

But ever since that time there has remained one nagging legacy connection - ownership of where we first announced with awesome wonder the release of Graphene. We didn't mind paying the nominal cost of keeping it registered and left it in the hands of the community to maintain. That worked fairly well initially, but in the past year or so it fell into a nearly abandoned status. We wanted to stay uninvolved, but chafed under these nagging problems:

  • The site itself hasn't been kept up to date.
  • A rather embarrassing disclaimer banner was splashed across it scaring away new visitors.
  • No one was handling the inquiries that came in from its page.
  • The cloud wallet vs light wallet disconnects seemed to be causing a lot of lost passwords.
  • We were holding the legal title to a site we couldn't control - not good in the current regulatory environment.
  • But mostly, well, Ezekiel 28:15

So, we decided to hand off ownership and control to someone who would take good care of it for the community. We think is an excellent choice.

  • It has a proactive team that is ready, willing, and able to keep the site state-of-the-art.
  • It is located in a jurisdiction where there is less regulatory "zeal".
  • They seemed to be most "neutral", willing to get along with all factions of the community.
  • They are willing to do this at zero cost or personal gain - just for the benefit of the blockchain.
  • Having more than one independently operated reference site scattered around the world is good for decentralization. We wouldn't want any one government to control what is "official".
  • Philosophical compatibility with our original goals and aspirations remembering Don Quixote and Guy Faux.

So, with this handoff, Cryptonomex severs its last tiny connection to the support side of any of the blockchains derived from our revolutionary software - software that now processes two-thirds of all public blockchain transactions in the known universe. Maybe this kind of information will start to get out there now... we have a track record!

We, of course, will continue to be active in encouraging others to adopt these decentralized accounting platforms and working to provide new solutions and services for the Greater Graphene Ecosystem.

Why not check out the new site? It should be up in a day or two.
And check out Blue Rock Talk with Connie Willis, where I just made this Breaking News Announcement.

Meanwhile, you might want to visit the old website for one last time. Here's some nostalgic music to accompany you...

Ninety nine dreams I have had
In every one a red balloon
It's all over and I'm playing possum
With this site that once was awesome
If I could keep a souvenir
Just to prove my team was here
And here is a red balloon
I think of them and let it go...

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