LiqBot 0.1 (alpha) | The open-source liquidity bot!

We are proud to announce the first alpha release of LiqBot. It is currently developed by @mauritso with the support of @linouxis9. It was originally requested by Bitshares Munich to provide liquidity on low liquidity markets which are gonna be used by their new POS systems..

LiqBot 0.1 (alpha) | Long Setup

We are proud to announce the first alpha release of LiqBot. It is currently developed by @mauritso with the support of @linouxis9.
It was originally requested by Bitshares Munich to provide liquidity on low liquidity markets which are gonna be used by their new POS systems. Therefore, LiqBot is currently run by @mauritso and @linouxis9 to provide liquidity to the BitEUR and BitSILVER market as well as the BitCAD market on the behalf of Bitshares Munich.
We will discuss in this post on how to run LiqBot. We will in another post discuss on how it is working as well as how it can help you to bring liquidity to the DEX markets.

What does it does ?

On its first run, LiqBot will register an account using the OpenLedger Faucet and then ask you to send it BTS and the assets you want it to trade. The bot will now ask you to reboot it and with the default mode, it will lends BitAssets and then begin the specified strategy. One of the advantage of the bot is that it take care of the collateral ratio of lended BitAssets for you.

How to set up it?


  • Linux >3.10 (You can check with uname -r on a terminal emulator)
  • Docker
  • docker-compose
  • git

Initial Setup

  • git clone

You will now have to tweak the bot configuration available at bitshares2-liquiditybots/docker-exchangebot/exchangebot/

You have to:

  • change the wallet_password, that's the password which will be used by the cli_wallet.
  • change the account name, for example "liquidity-bot-linouxisbot"
  • change watch_markets to the markets you want your bot to watch and therefore trade.

We will now help you to configure one of two mode of the bot and how to run it.

Short'n Forget (for SmartCoin)

This is the default mode used by the bot. The bot will borrow the Smartcoin from the network and it will automatically take care of the collateral ratio.

How to setup this mode

  • The markets variable in the bots["LiquidityWall"] array should be in most of the cases the same content of watch_markets.
  • The borrow variable in the bots["LiquidityWall"] array needs to be set to true.
  • You need to modify the borrow_percentage in the bots["LiquidityWall"] array to divide the BTS holding of the bots between borrowing and asking. If you choose 12 for silver, 12 % of the BTS will be used to short silver and therefore 88% of the bot BTS' will be used to maintain the collateral ratio and put liquidity on the ask side according to the spread percentage.
  • You need to set the strategy you want for your bot by modifying spread_percentage and allowed_spread_percentage
  • The markets variable in the bots["Collateral"] array should have the markets pairs of borrowed asset.

Send'n Forget (for SmartCoin and UIA)

This mode doesn't borrow the asset from the network. You should use it only if you want to borrow the smartcoin on another account and then send the asset to the bot or if you want to use an UIA on the bot.

How to setup this mode

  • The markets variable in the bots["LiquidityWall"] array should be in most of the cases the same content of watch_markets.
  • The borrow variable in the bots["LiquidityWall"] array needs to be set to false.
  • You need to set the strategy you want for your bot by modifying spread_percentage and allowed_spread_percentage
  • You need to remove bots["Collateral"] = { and the seven lines behind it.

Now, Run it !

  • Go in the root of LiqBot
  • CTRL+C to terminate the bot
  • You now can use your favorite Bitshares Wallet to send BTS and the assets needed by the bot.
  • You can now start the bot by using docker-compose up if you want the bot to run on the foreground or docker-compose start if you want the bot to run on the background, you will be able to check the log by using docker-compose logs

Now, Enjoy !

Special Thanks

We would like to thanks for their precious advices and testing:

The LiqBot Team

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