Cool Updates and Upgrades on OpenLedger - Decentralized Exchange

Before @dan made STEEM he made BTS - coin and decentralized exchange built on it. The main used frontend of it is called OpenLedger and it just got some cool updates.

If you do not have an account - make it, its free and nobody can steal your funds from it as its decentralized. Check OpenLedger now before you forget.


STEEM has top6 traffic there which is not bad at all!

Few base currencies

While you can sell anything traded there for anything there is few base markets. Right now ETH and EOS joined them! Also, USD called bitUSD unlike SBD is really pegged to USD same as CNY is. BTS uses a bit different way of pegging than STEEM.

Gateways Open

While BTS and other on chain coins and tokens are native, other currencies like ETH EOS DGD STEEM LISK EXCL and many more go through a gateway that changes on a chain to off chain tokens. Finally, most of them are working again!

Fees reduced

BTC withdrawal fees are down by 64% due to Segwit adoption and trades fees are at 50% now.

BTS Markets

So about OpenLedger STEEM/SBD also has Binance and Livecoin exchanges that both coins are on.

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