Bitshares The New NASDAQ ? 6 Reasons To Get Some Skin in The Game 💥

Only recently have I started to do research on Bitshares. It has been kind of a mystery to me before. I have spent one day reading and watching videos and already now I feel that this is a diamond in the rough and like with all Dan Larimers projects it's before it's time. That means it's the perfect time to get some skin in the game. Below are six reasons I found to invest. I also made some 3D concept illustrations to go with the post.


  1. Bitshares is a decentralized exchange. That means, that just like Steemit no one can close it or hinder you from accessing your funds, you can keep your investments safely online, and don't need to download any extra wallets.

  2. Unlike today's derivatives market that is out of control and backed by air the cryptos or commodities traded on this platform are backed by Bitshares.

  3. Opening an account is done in minutes, just go to this address What is awesome with Bitshares is that your deposit address can be chosen by you and is the same as the name you chose to use when you register. For example my address is dandesign86, same as on Steemit. This is much easier to remember than most other crypto deposit addresses that are a string of many numbers and letters.

  4. Trading on Bitshares is extremely fast and convenient.

  5. You can create your own coin in the click of a few buttons. This could be a fun easy way to promote yourself or to create a project.

  6. You can buy gold and silver on here which is backed by Bitshares and which follows the market price. You can also invest in different currencies backed by Bitshares. Switching from crypto to these assets is very fast and can also be a good easy way to protect your money if for example all cryptos start going red you can move some over to Bit Usd or bitgold and it will be more stable there. Then you can transfer it back to Cryptos when the market calms down.


A lot of this is very new to me and I am definitely not a specialists. But I think moving some funds to Bitshares can be good especially after it recently made a big dip.


Maybe Bitshares and openledger is where most traders will be in the future and it will become the "NASDAQ" of the crypto world or the new Nasdaq overall because people will have lost trust in the derivatives market or like Warren Buffets call them the weapons of financial mass destruction.


When EOS will be launched as well I think there will be a trifecta of Steem, Bitshares and EOS all taking a jump higher and people will realize the genius behind all of Dan Larimers developments. As they say all good things come in threes !

This is not financial advice, and please do your own research and form your own opinion.

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