Hertz Updates - Seeking price feed publishers!

Hertz ABA Update!

Hertz (Hz) is a Algorithm Based Asset (ABA) which is pegged against the USD and modified to oscillate using a sine wave, thus we are able to create potential phases of buying and selling pressure.

I've updated the smartcoin settings & description and submitted a new PR on wackou's price feed script repo to change 'amplitude=1/3' to 'amplitude=0.14' since the amplitude was changed from 50%, to 33.33% to finally 14%.

Why the reduction in amplitude? Since this is the first Hertz ABA, it makes sense to reduce the volatility. If Hertz proves popular then we can look into a higher amplitudes like 33% or even 50%. Really, there's nothing stopping anyone creating their own Hertz ABA with modified properties (different amplitude, period, etc).

Properties of Hertz (Hz):

  • Amplitude: 14% (NOT 33% nor 50% - It was changed to 14% for the first HERTZ asset).
  • Period: 28 days.
  • Daily price feed change: 2% per day.
  • Max price feed rate: $1.14
  • Min price feed rate: $0.86

Smartcoin settings:

  • Maintenance collateral ratio (MCR): 175%
  • Maximum short squeeze ratio (MSSR): 150%
  • Max feed lifetime: 1440
  • Delay for forced settlements (minutes): 720
  • Percent offset of forced settlements: 1%
  • Min number of feeds: 7

Price feed scripts:


Who can currently provide price feeds?

Currently only active witnesses are able to provide price feed updates for the Hertz ABA. If you are a Bitshares witness then please begin providing price feed updates for Hertz.

It won't be active until there are 7 active price feed publishers so it might be a few weeks.

Want to know more?

Check out: "What is the HERTZ Algorithm Based Asset?"

Any questions about Hertz? Do you have any ideas for your own Algorithm Based Assets?

Best regards,

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