"Blockchain Activity" Google Assistant Agent Updated! New price & description functionality & better implicit invocation!

"Blockchain Activity" Google Assistant Agent Updated!

Since the last update, I've been working on further improvements such as implementing more honest implicit invocation and the introduction of dedicated price and description intents for the assets supported by blocktivity.

Update has already been published by Google!

The latest version has been accepted and published by Google, so what are you waiting for? Give it a try!

"Ok Google, Talk to blockchain activity".

More honest implicit invocation

The new price and description intents are newly available for implicit invocation.

What's more honest about the changes?

  • The previously published version would trigger implicit invocation for '<supported_asset> price' which was partially true since it provided marketcap for each crypto in the blockchain activity report, but now we have a dedicated price intent to respond directly with the current price, marketcap and 24hr recent activity of supported cryptos when asked for the price of said crypto.
  • By separating the implicit invocation training phrases away from 'blockchain_activity_report' into the 'implicit_blockchain_activity_report' (which forwards the user to the report intent with any input parameters), we can keep the important navigation training phrases in the 'blockchain_activity_report' intent which is no longer implicitly invocated - preventing users from implicitly invocating the bot when they're asking for their shopping list.
  • The same seperation of implicit and non-implicit training phrases was performed for the 'Where_to_trade' intent, further improving the honesty and accuracy of our implicit invocation capabilities.

Here's what it looks like within the Google Assistant console

Here's the overview of the intents in Dialogflow

Check it out, there's only a handful of intents which comprise the Blockchain Activity bot; Dialogflow is pretty easy once you've gotten your head around it! 👍

Let's check out the 'get_supported_crypto_price' intent!

Since it's the newest functionality, let's take a deep dive into the price intent!

Dialogflow intent contents

Here's a sneak peak at the contents of the dialogflow intent - you provide many 'training phrases' with examples of included parameters (in our case the supported crypto) and Dialogflow performs machine learning to allow for similarly worded phrases to trigger the intent!

Implicit Invocation in practice!

When an user asks the Google Assistant "Bitshares price" (or any of the supported cryptos), the Google Assistant will suggest the Blockchain Activity bot, and if the user accepts the suggestion they'll be given the most recent Bitshares price (sourced from cryptocompare) as well as a basic card with some info about Bitshares and some suggestion chips which will direct the user towards further Blockchain Activity functionality.

Finally - The 'About/Help' intent now includes a Google form

To engage the Google Assistant userbase more directly, I've included a Google form for direct feedback, bug reports and feature requests. Hopefully this will reduce negative ratings, since it'll enable me to establish what users are expecting from Blockchain Activity.

Have any questions? Post them below!

Best regards,

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