Bitcoin fork in my food recipe tonight.

Oh yeah have you ever thought of boosting your food's taste with a little of your crypto knowledge. Imagine setting out to prepare a particular dish and you find out the ingredients needed aren't complete. What do you do? Would you switch to preparing a different dish or improvise an ingredient to carry out your proposed dish. What if that's what the bitcoin miners agreed on rather than spliting to Blockchain cash. Yes IMG_20170217_151738.jpgIMG_20170217_153645.jpgIMG_20170217_155507.jpg . Here's one of my favourite sauces i use for rice. For my recipes try
Cabbage,green peas,green pepper,carrots, turkey or chicken, green beans, spring onions, fresh tomatoes,redball pepper. Yeah on the day i made this i couldn't get the spring onions so i skipped it and made it with the available ingredients guess what it came out as tasty. Guess what i only added a secret ingredient my grand mum disclosed to me. Hell no am not telling anyone what that is.

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