Is this the year Bitcoin will die ??!!

The year Bitcoin died… 2018???

Is this the year Bitcoin will die ?

Or will this be another year of new highs?

Its already been a wild ride but
what's next?

As I pull out the magic eight ball
and give it a good shake it

And that advice it about as good
as you are going to get.

Now I know there are newsletters
and crypto gurus popping up.

Hundreds of ads on FB telling you
to take this crypto class, or to buy this

Most of these people have no clue what
they are doing.

Sure, right now everyone looks like a superstar
investor but lets see what happens when
we have a "major correction"

I hear people talking about investing for
the "long term" and they are talking about
next week.

I think there is still a lot of money to be
made but look for the consistent
"rent money" as the easy money slows down.
Also, I’m sure we’ll see some new laws and regulations concerning cryptocurrency.
I personally look to invest in the companies
who work with the government, not those
rogue companies. I want companies that are legit
so that it adds some stability to the market.

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