Bitcoin - Breaking Bitcoin 2017


Hello my Friends,

Last month, on the 9th and 10th to be precise, Breaking Bitcoin was held in Paris. The convention, as the name suggests, focused on the safety and security of bitcoin in all its aspects. This is the first time the event was held, and it was a great success. The first talks are starting to appear on YouTube, and I can recommend then all.

Security Threats

Not only was there a wide array of technical demonstration and talks, but the aspects of security were being looked at from different perspectives, from end-user vulnerabilities to 2nd layer technology being developed. Even issues as social unrest and political moves were discussed.


They also talked about Zerolink, Zerolink is a Bitcoin Fungibillity Framework, that will be able to implement further anonymity, with the help of CoinJoin, Dandeleon and Mixing. These technical improvements should improve Bitcoin a lot.

As there wasn't a lot of information about the conference, I decided to dedicate this blogpost to it, hoping that this will become a yearly event, or even better ; a regular one.

Thanks for your time, and as always ;

Happy trading my Friends.

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