Bitcoin falls by almost 70% !

Bitcoin - a true roller coaster ride

Just six months ago, Bitcoin's value was just over $ 19,000. The hype surrounding Bitcoin reached his peak on the end of last year. The screenshot on the right side is from 17.12.2017.

Today, just 180 days later, as in a normal economy, the peak is followed by a depression. The Bitcoin value has collapsed by almost 70% in the last 6 months. From $ 19,000 on $ 6,000! The screenshot on the right is from 16.06.2018.

How tragic this collapse is illustrated by the statistics on the right. In the red marked area, one can see the violent collapse very clearly. This was a case in the amount of about $ 13,000

,,The world of crypts is unfortunately very much alive. The values change in minute tracks. That's why I advise every Crypto fan to concentrate in the long term. Do not panic right away. Avoid panic sales. Be sure to spread your fortune on multiple currencies,,.


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