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Happy Bitcoin Pizza Day!

The story of the $400,000,000 Pizza! (or $380,000,000 to be precise...)

Eleven years ago today, Laszlo Hanyecz made what would become one of the most famous food purchases of all time, and now today will forever be known as Bitcoin Pizza Day.

Hanyecz asked an online forum if anyone would be willing to send him 2 large pizzas in exchange for 10,000 Bitcoins.

Jeremy Sturdivant took the offer, and it was the first exchange of real world goods for Bitcoin in history.

Some say both men were ultimately fools for not holding onto those 10,000 Bitcoin.

Others recognize that this exchange grounded bitcoin’s price in terms of real world goods for the first time ever, and became a catalyst for greater adoption. We finally had a money that was uncensorable, peer-to-peer, permissionless, and you could actually use it in your every day life to buy things.

It was a revolution, covered in marinara sauce.

Happy Bitcoin Pizza Day, everyone!

And thank you Hanyecz and Sturdivant for helping ignite what quickly became a full fledged crypto revolution!

Edited by Lee Rennie

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