Total Cryptocurrency Market Cap at $120bln+

Hello people!

What a great time it is to be involved in the cryptocurrency world right now!

Some big news have happened in the past week!

Apparently Bitcoin forked but a coin came out from thin air and decided to give everyone free coins.

Bitcoin surpassed the $3000 mark and it is currently staying passed it too!

Total cryptocurrency market cap has reached $120bln and it is going. Yes that is $120,000,000! A yuuuge difference compared to what was 6 months or even a year ago.

Here are some of the details:

(Since the charts didn't want to upload)

Aug 1st 2017 - $92.3bln. Added $30bln since then!

July 16th 2017 - $63bln. Almost doubled!

Aug 8th 2016 - $11bln. A whooping $111bln since a year ago!

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