Awareness of Bitcoin is Now More Important Than Awareness of Geoengineering

A sea change in the awareness of Bitcoin and what it ultimately represents is nearly upon us. Once this realignment in our understanding of money, who owns it, and how it comes into existence evolves, then great great strides in throwing off the old financial paradigm will be well underway. 

This monumental change will empower We The People in ways that are presently unimaginable, and represent changes in the concepts we hold of ourselves so great that we just have-not dare let ourselves "go there". 

Recently, the Ethereum/DAO debacle was, for me, a brilliant example of establishing a framework to fund projects, really Big Ideas potentially resulting in civilization changing inventions without having to go beg your bank or crowd fund (which is shining and affording opportunities in it's own right).  The immense amount of money raised, the excitement generated was, and is to a degree, still inspiring. A far larger number of people now know that the crypto universe is forward looking, solutions oriented and committed to bringing this vision of a better way of doing "money" into Today. The DAO, that damn one line of code out of place...

I have hope and yet I know that with crypto's the future of this planet can be returned into our own hands and most importantly we can manifest our own destiny not being a vessel or subject of the Crown any longer.

It is my growing belief that our presently distorted relationship with money changes then the revolution we have all hungered for yet didn't know how to execute, will be nearly won. #Bitcoin 

Progress is painfully slow at times when the solution is obvious.

All the very best to my fellow #steemers as the force, the hashing power, IS with us!


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