Bitcoin-Tone Vays-HyperWave Analysis-Tyler Jenks, CTO of Lucid Investment-perhaps my most important post thus far...

Bitcoin At Significant Crossroads... Earlier today, watched a captivating, highly encouraging Bitcoin video by Tone Vays posted yesterday. Granted this is a very long video ( over 2 hours ) so You may want to go directly to the primary Hyperwave channel on YouTube, where there are many shorter videos discussing Hyperwave analysis. 

As some of You may know, Tone Vays is one of the preeminent global leaders in analyzing the price movements of Bitcoin. Tone interviewed Tyler Jenks, the CTO of Lucid Investment Technology, that utilizes Hyperwave analysis.

Tyler Jenks works with Leah Wald and both of them have extensive, extraordinary backgrounds, even though Leah is younger than Tyler, Leah started working at the World Bank at age 19.

Hyperwave Indicates Bitcoin Is At A Crossroad... see link below:

It has been mentioned by many astute technical analysts like Greg Mannarino @MarketResearch, who is a fellow hardworking Steemian, that we are at a critical juncture globally on many different levels, especially in the USA Bond Market.

As a semi-retired Investment Banker, I believe both Tyler Jenks & Leah Wald are creating very important analysis of Bitcoin AND where the price of Bitcoin is headed, both in the short-term and the long term. 

In my humble opinion, their analysis is not just important because You may make money utilizing their Bitcoin analytical insights... BUT far more importantly, Bitcoin/Blockchain technology potentially brings to the world a way to restrain/prevent the financial corruption in the markets globally but also government corruption globally... somewhat similar to how Gold was able to restrain & prevent corruption until it was initially "neutered" in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank... further weakened in 1933 by going off the Gold Standard internally within the USA and then completing this process when the USA went completely off the Gold Standard externally, in August 1971.

Getting back to Tyler & Leah... I feel they are creating incredible/insightful research and analysis of Bitcoin... and if You are interested in receiving "cutting edge" insights on the price direction of Bitcoin, then watch their YouTube Channel.

Would again like to honor someone here on Steemit that has been a Great Inspiration to me AND exemplifies some of the best Steemians on Steemit for many different reasons and perhaps primarily because he almost ALL=ways focuses his Posts ON The Positive & Offers Solutions...

This is especially important because whatever we focus on, we literally magnetize & bring TOWARDS ourselves...

This person is @TeamSTEEM and many may not be aware of this, but French is his native language and I don't know about You, but I have a hard enough time just writing in english... GOD knows what would be written if I had to write in French, Japanese, Mandarin, etc.

One last request for You to consider... @TeamSteem has been on Steemit since May 2016... AND quite frankly, I believe it is a travesty that he is not in the Top 20 of our Witness List... he is currently at #31, let's get him into the Top 20 soon.

Please not only consider voting for @TeamSteem as a Witness... Let's gather up a group of Steemians to actively promote @TeamSteem as a Witness... GOD KNOWS there are few more deserving, hard-working, conscientious people on Steemit than @TeamSteem to give guidance for our platform. I am only one person... Please Help in this endeavor.

Would also like to HIGHLY recommend that anyone that has not voted TeamSteem as a Witness... that they review some of his previous posts over the last 15 months and by doing so, will most likely realize that TeamSteem has consistently supported the Steemit Community, many times staying "in the background" in a very humble way...

Simply go to the website below and Vote teamsteem located currently at #31 Witness...

Respectfully Requested...

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