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History of buying a Tesla car for Bitcoin by Alexei from Prague.

Greetings to all! I want to share with you the experience of buying a car for the Bitcoin. I don't want to mention my name, but I'm the one who bought the Tesla car for Bitcoin for this year:

Here's my story ...

Buying a Tesla car cost me three times cheaper, thanks to Bitcoin. I didn't even get up from a chair:) And did not answer questions from the Bank, if such existed in this transaction. But let's start everything in order.
This story began more than a year ago, long before ordering the Tesla. It was then that I finally changed my approach when dealing with money-I gave up on them:) From the contractors, who works with me, I began to demand payment exclusively in Bitcoins. But, in addition to the requirements, I decided to help them and explained where and how they can get the bitcoin to settle with me. I was willing to bear the costs of exchanging money for bitcoin , which sometimes reaches 6-7%-i.e. I just received less than the current rate of bitcoin. But this I started to move some of the people on this technology. I buy goods at online stores that accept bitcoin, I get bitcoin as payment for me. And finally-where it is not accepted, I have to change it for money or use solutions-gateways-for example Coinsbank card, which I replenish with bitcoins, and I pay for the purchase with the money as usual Mastercard. But this is an extreme case.

The whole 2015 bitcoin was at a minimum (as it turns out now)-it cost $ 220-$ 240 for many months. And all those months, I was earning it. Most earn money that printed for them by the Government and then is controlled by the banks, and I earned the bitcoin-global electronic cash, whose strength is on a decentralization, cryptography and established ecosystem. These are "shells", which cannot be faked, nor printed more than programmed. And there is no prohibition to earn these shells. And here I was earning the shells, and paying with shells. And then read this news:

"Finnish Auto-dealership outlet located in the Helsinki Oy, Tampere and Vantaa, reported the sale for bitcoins the premium car brand "Tesla" valued 140 000 €. This is the first sale of a car dealership, paid by cryptocurrency"

I already knew that in December of 2013 they had already sold the first car Tesla for bitcoin, but that a similar car was sold in the 2016 -it was a surprise for me! I had shells, and besides, in 2016 bitcoin surely grew almost 2 times the values of summer 2015. In February 2016 it cost $ 380. And I thought-if I buy wine, gifts, pay the interpreter - then why not make a purchase of Tesla, so much so that I earned bitcoin all the year, and now these earnings increased almost 2 times? I love to support vendors for bitcoin-I believe that it is the small but important contribution to ecosystem-bitcoin economy should work, just so this technology will take the masses.

I found Facebook of this company and wrote a short comment under the news-"will you sell to me in the Czech Republic?". I didn't even believe that they would agree to: because the Czech Republic is not the Finland- is situated far away, I don't know how they would deliver the car. And they replied-"We'll sell to the Czech Republic!"

Then it was so-they gave their email address, I wrote to them. Then there was a long correspondence, probably three weeks. Long because they replied with large pauses. You write and then wait for 3-4 days. No answer. You write again and they replied, but made an excuse - "I am on a business trip" (manager). Well, and so on. By the way, recently, one man said to me that it is okay for them-Finns. It's their national peculiarity-to live slowly

Well, three weeks later, in a correspondence I sent to them the list of configuration (which I made on the site of Tesla, and then rewrote them in email by the items). Prior to that, they tried to offer cars in stock, but the selection was small-or the dark body color, or the dark vehicle interior. I refused. Then I sent them the desired configuration. They reaffirmed that they can order such, sent their version, but in Finnish:) Wrote to me a term-"Tesla system shows us that your car can be made in late May, or at least, the beginning of June". They asked to send documents. I sent them a passport, Czech ID card. Then they sent the agreement by email . I printed, signed, scanned again and sent back. Then, the long-awaited finally happened - they sent paybill for 25% of the cost. I expected that they would accept payment directly on their bitcoin wallet. But they sent an email to Bitpay billing. This is the well known billing - it accepts bitcoins and sends money to the seller. Well, I thought, now I pay, bitcoin runs fast, then they will write that the order is accepted. But it is not so easy with them:)

It turns out that once I paid them, they wrote - "Thanks, once the money is transferred to our account, we will send the order to the factory Tesla". And now, I have waited 2-3 working days, until they wrote that the money went to their bank account. That is the way of the payment by bitcoin ... All the benefits of bitcoin they "killed" by the banking system. Well, okay - I paid by bitcoin, that's the main thing...😉

Then I and they took a timeout. At the end of may they had written that car parts had already been shipped from America to the factory in the Netherlands (they are assembled at the plant in the city of Tilburg for European version), and I will soon have to pay the remainder. "soon" I took as "within a week". But a week past, then another - no letter. In the third week I wrote to them. It turns out the person who is responsable for bitcoin payments fell ill. Finally, they sent the invoice by email from the company Bitpay. At this point the bitcoin already cost over $ 700! I paid the balance of 75% through a hardware purse Trezor right from my phone (you can connect via a special cable) and they again wrote to me - " as soon as the money comes to us on the account, we will organize the delivery of the car to you." They do not believe until they get the money! And what about their belief in the Bitcoin? It seems like of us only I believe in it.

Thus, the rest of the car I paid by bitcoin which managed to get more than three times since I got it for my work, and therefore the purchase cost for me three times cheaper! And so, after paying again 2-3 days ("thanks to the banks!) of waiting. Then I received a letter from the company that the money received in the bank account. Then a week I waited until they notified the exact delivery date. And at first they offered to drive the car from the factory with the help of their employee. I refused. And then we agreed that they would deliver it by transport. They warned that the car would be directly from the factory, and the seats can be in polyethylene, etc.

I've been waiting that soon the wrecker would arrive to our courtyard and would unload the car. I did not believe until the end that they would bring it in time. But the company Kurbads (Latvian shipping company) did not let down! At first the girl called and she turned out to speak Russian. And she said that in an hour the transport would come. But soon the driver called for clarification and he said-"Is this the city which is near the Polish border?". I said - Not at all! It is near Prague! ". Then I sent him by SMS GPS coordinates - of two types - with degrees and minutes and seconds and simply by fractional numbers. Then the call again -"I came, I stand in front of the gate." I-"What gate? We have no gates! He -"it is written that there is some logistic center...." In general, he made a mistake again. Apparently, he introduced the minutes and seconds as fractional degrees of GPS. He entered the correct ones. And finally ... Calling again. "I cannot arrive to you, I will come in my car." And here the Tesla enters our small street. The car arrives, a Russian speaking man comes out in light-reflecting vest. He pulls out a sheet and asks to sign. He has no pen, I take out mine... I say: "shall I at least show you the passport", but he replies: No, no need to! We did call each other..." I signed, and he went. I cried to him: "Do you know that I bought the car for bitcoins?", but he said: “… I'm not interested ". And that's all. Curtain!

The birds are singing, I stand near the car, deserted street and no one besides me. And that's all. So simply ended my first and significant purchase for bitcoin of the Tesla car. (c)
written on behalf of the author

#bitcoin #tesla #life

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