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Useless information #59 – I tried to give away Bitcoin but few accepted…

I was very busy during my last Birthday. I like to go out with some friends and offer them a beer but this time I couldn’t. Then, I thought about a cool experiment. Ten of them would be able to get the free beer and at the same time I’d get an idea of who is aware of bitcoin.
I posted my offer on facebook, informing that I’d transfer 1€ worth of bitcoin to the first 10 friends to claim it. Yes you can buy a beer for 1€ in Portugal. I also said I was available to introduce them to bitcoin if they don’t know what it is or how it works. Some people answered but only two accepted the offer. By now they can have two beers and still bring money home.



If you are about to buy a cryptocurrency mining contract or upgrade your mining power on Genesis Mining, please consider using my promo code with 3% discount: 4KPSO9. I also get a small percentage of mining power for that, so we both win.
Thanks for reading my post. Steem On!