Your 6 Year Old Will Have a Bitcoin Wallet: The Future of Money

Your 6 year old will have a Bitcoin Wallet: The future of Money

When attempting to explain the need for Bitcoin to the traditional world including friends and family members, I’ve experienced frustration that so many just don’t get it. Andreas Antonopoulos, author of “Mastering Bitcoin” ( a technical guide to Bitcoin) and “The Internet of Money” has solved this problem for me in one video. I now send this video to anyone inquiring about Bitcoin and Steemit.


At the 13 minute mark of the video, he talks about the future of money. If you watch nothing else, watch this part of the video. For me, this makes it all so obvious that this change is historic and it is here to stay. Your 6 year old will have a Bitcoin wallet. This generation will see this a normal.

They will see a bank that charges a fee to hold your money, only works Monday through Friday from 9 to 5, requires you to be 16 to open an account, as an archaic and outdated system.

They will be amazed that we used this system.
These children will be exposed to cryptocurrency where you can send money to anyone, any time, anywhere.  

Some of the attributes of Bitcoin:

It’s decentralized 

It enables digital scarcity 

Convenience of digital, yet it is rare and can not be copied. 

Easily combined with a peer to peer network who validate each other.  

Andreas compares the Bitcoin revolution to the internet revolution. The internet allowed the free flow of information and Bitcoin now allows the free flow of money to anyone in the world.

Why does the free flow of money scare so many?

The answer to this is probably the fact that when they asked, "Who's in charge of Bitcoin?" the answer is no one is in charge, that's not how it works. (and that is the beauty of Bitcoin)

you can follow me @rangertx

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