Amazon and Bitcoin: A Match Made In Crypto Heaven?

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The fact is, cryptocurrency is here to stay. It wasn't believed by many, but you can no longer deny it.

I feel that neither can Amazon. I believe that Amazon is going to eventually take Bitcoin directly for their purchases. It is going to happen. It has to happen. Amazon will take Bitcoin directly.

Amazon is the world's biggest e-commerce retailer in the world and the power of Bitcoin is just something they cannot ignore any longer.

I know you can purchase Amazon gift cards at some sites with Bitcoin, but there is a transaction fee. I am talking about buying directly on Amazon. has already started to accept payments of their goods with Bitcoin.

Some Subway sandwich shops are accepting Bitcoins.

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It is time to realize that cryptocurrency is here to stay. I, myself, have had a hard time convincing friends and family.

I finally have one family member believing, my nephew, and he even started to mine Bitcoin!

I was happily shocked!

If and when Amazon and Bitcoin finally combine, it will be an awesome match.

All those non believers will have to start opening up to the fact that cryptocurrency is here to stay!

There is always the chance that what you paid for in Bitcoin today might be worth a lot more if the price continues to rise. It would just be a nice alternative to have,especially on smaller purchases.

I know I am new to cryptocurrency, but what I have seen in the last year, has me believing that cryptocurrency is something to truly believe in. Who knows, I am just an average guy with big crypto dreams!

Heck, I didn't know what I was getting into joining Steemit, but one year later, I am very glad I did!

What Do You Think?

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