Krypton Wants to Become A Faster Ethereum

Ethereum has brought us tools like Smart Contract, Dapp and DAO creation, deployment, and management. We can easily pay someone without ever hitting the send button, access decentralized applications that cannot be censored or shut dow,n and we can be part of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations.

Mistakes were made, bugs were found, and recently, Millions were lost. Some are calling The DAO hack the most expensive bug bounty ever held, but whoever said this certainly didn’t have his Ether invested in The DAO, as the situation regarding the seizure of the stolen funds doesn’t seem to be improving.

The DAO happened, it failed, all we can do now is move on and learn from our mistakes. The problem is that if we keep learning from $50m errors, we’ll be the wisest and poorest people on the planet.

That’s why it’s good to have training wheels sometimes. Ethereum is the perfect playground for skilled developers, but with its 700% value increase since creation has made Solidity, one of the programming languages in Ethereum, a very expensive toy.

That’s why Krypton has launched an open invitation to all developers to poke around the Krypton blockchain and see what it has to offer.

Krypton (KR) is an Ethereum-based cryptocurrency that allows users all the same features and perks (Smart Contracts, Dapps, DAOs, DACs) but for a lower “price.” In Ethereum transaction fees, which are known as “Gas” are spent according to computational costs, which means that the higher the price of Ether is, the higher those costs will be.

Covertress, the Krypton founder, and project manager said:

We’ve contacted several faculties at major universities and invited them to use the KR chain for this purpose

All of this means that developers have a testbed for smart contracts and Dapps, which are less expensive to deploy in the KR blockchain, before moving on to a more mainstream environment like Ethereum. Krypton can now be considered as a “gateway” into Ethereum.

The team isn’t planning to stay humble forever but will, however, take their time before deploying anything and becoming a direct competitor to Ethereum, allowing them to tighten up security and functionality before moving on to providing smart contracts and dapp solutions for companies.

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