Bitcoin is Broken. When will the herd read the writing on the wall?


Prices are fluctuating, Bitcoin price is going back up but for how long...

Let's just admit it, Bitcoin is broken.

It is failing to meet the expectation it has as a currency or an investment. But dis-belief is flogging the dead horse.

What's broken? Well most everything is: Transaction speeds are shot, Big exchanges halted (Gemini) to handle the back log of movement, Bitcoins stopped moving yesterday in the melee, fees are staying astronomical and get worse the more it grows. And no change to any of this is on the horizon.

Let's just admit it, the only thing keeping the price up is madness and ignorance. Face it, Bitcoin doesnt work.

#Segwit2x could have gone some way to fix the problems, but #Segwit2x failed to happen.
So it has no fixes ahead. Zero. Zip. Nada. None. That, is an epic fail. Why can no one see this?

Not to mention the Core Devs that are a dictatorship trying to take over the BTC coin on behalf of big money.

All this spells the end for BTC as a useful thing, but living on hyped belief, of course it is still rising in price.

Could BTC be fixed? I guess so, but when and how? At this time there is absolutely nothing on the horizon to change any of the above facts. So... there is no reason for it to be of value still, since it doesnt actually work properly.

There is one alternative, maybe there are a few but they all involve leaving Bitcoin to its fate. It's just hit the iceburg that will likely doom it.

#BCH (Bitcoin Cash) answers the problems Bitcoin has failed to do in the above list. So it makes sense that as time goes by people will move towards it and this is showing itself in the price as the wise start to leave the sinking ship.

The only question is if you realise it now, or will you arrive late to the obvious.

#bitcoin #bitcoincash #cryptocurrency

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