Bitshare! Bitcoin! Euthereum! Steem! stories are too much, what do they really mean??

Hello steemers, I believe I am not stupid and neither am I not techno survey. However beyond my optimism, there is one part of the trending currencies that don't give me peace because I don't really understud.
At one point I will hear a person talk about Bitshare and I develop interest in knowing about it but before I go down into searches, another name comes and another and another.
At this point I have heard over and about seven different currency names which are seemingly new and the fact that some of these currencies are mined makes it most confusing because I know that only minerals can be mined.
Are these currencies like golds or bronze and how are they mined? Why are they creating such a big fuss all over the internet? Am i really missing on something so great shall regret later?

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