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Bitcoin Death Cross, does it matter?

50 & 200 DMAs crossing now. The much anticipated "Death Cross".

Ominous sounding name, and lot's of hype around it, but will it translate to a substantial crash in price like everyone is saying?

But, does it matter?

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Not to me! Why? Because I continue to HODL and Dollar Cost Average (DCA) my way into whatever I can afford at any given time. A short term price drop only helps me with this strategy.

HOLDers, hold. That's the name of the game. Consistent DCA makes this an especially effective and safe strategy.

--- Now, I've got a question for you. What do you think of Tether (USDT)? ---

If you'd like my perspective on Tether, please read on.

To be frank, I can't see Tether as anything but a trap. A very well laid trap. And the more learn about it, the more I see it's ability to effectively damage some very prominent crypto exchanges. It's hard to believe this was allowed to go forward, unless it was specifically allowed to happen as part of a plan.

Would anyone be interested in me expanding on how exactly Tether is a trap and has the ability to seriously disable and damage multiple exchanges at once? Let me know in the comments below and I will do so.

-- This leads me to my second question. What are some decentralized exchanges that look promising to you? --

I still like the idea of trading and want to stay in the world of crypto, but I just don't feel safe in binance or bitfinex or any other exchange that use USDT in any meaningful capacity.


Couple more bonus charts

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