Crypto Madness - is Bitcoin going to blow! who the heck knows?

An interesting couple of weeks for Crypto - what do people think, is it going to blow?


Plenty of hype on the internet at the moment..lots of talking about a massive spike being over it time for a massive turn around after more then 12 months of gloom?

Lets consult the Voodoo Chicken..

Hmmn no reaction??...The signs are not clear perhaps a further test.

Now that's a good sign. Crypto is pecking it's way back, so even though prices are currently dropping Voodoo chicken magic is suggesting we indeed have some fight in us! 

I'm so confused what to do...Price of Steem is outstanding and we might not see it this low ever again...this could be a life changing opportunity being missed!

What to do, what to do?

SUMMARY: So that's a 50/50 sign from voodoo chicken magic that prices will rise...not quite what we want, but still positive. Sorry to say but based on vibes from the universe prices are going to stay around the same and maybe go back down to test the bottom is my guess (certainly not my hope, but the signs are not easy to read). 

I will continue to consult the voodoo chicken magic and if  I get a vibe will advise the good news

Take care out there :)

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