WTF!- JP Morgan Chase Buys 9000+ Bitcoins after Jamie Dimon threatens to fire any employee that owns it.

Well talk about price fixing!
What was just disclosed is PURE EVIL!

Looks like Lucifer's son, Jamie Dimon has created a dramatic plunge in the price of Bitcoin just so he could take advantage of the sell off and buy it up.

Last Week CEO of JP Morgan Chase bank decried Bitcoin as a "Fraud" and threatened to fire any employee that bought or owned bitcoin with immediate termination. He stated this at two different meetings that he was a keynote speaker at.

Then what does this dishonest sack of shit do? He purchases what appears to be a huge amount of Bitcoin on a German Exchange, likely to hide the purchase from the American market.

The purchase was brought to light by a Twitter user called "I am Nomad". Here is his tweet where he busted Dimon.


This is IN YOUR FACE MARKET MANIPULATION and it likely completely destroyed the portfolios and actual lives of many bitcoin investors and miners as well as other coin owners. I know my portfolio lost over 1/3rd of its value and created great anxiety for my wife.

This is the exact behavior that will invite the United States Gov'ts Securities and Exchange Commission into regulate Crypto Currency Exchanges in America. Dimon must be held to account for this action.

If you are a JP Morgan Securities client or the average customer with Chase bank you just got Ripped off in a very personal manner by Jamie Dimon. You along with millions of others should be calling for Jamie Dimon's head on a fucking pike.

I closed two of my business accounts the day Dimon made his claim and it was made public. I have no other protest I can make myself. But the rest of you out there can still act.


Kick Jamie Dimon in the wallet. Let him and the JP Morgan Chase stockholders know that Dimon is in fact the fraud and he in fact manipulated the markets in order to profit from it. This my friends is why banksters must be brought down! This is why the federal reserve must be abolished.


Just my two STEEMS Worth.

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