
Welcome back to group the minute the sure we go over some news in a New York minute or less money mistakes in this act is that another gaming convention and I have to say that because you pry like while I did not know that got that muscular in less than a week I'm not Jack had said that I'm not him I don't you think it did he is so strong that Donna jacket so strong so it's a little time his buddies change he's now a Greek god no I'm again I'm not Jack just wanna put that out there then anyway CCA dot com reported on the story and I'd like to share with you and get your opinion could be going for the five thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars well according to Eric thanks who's a managing partner you T. R. and a crypto currency technical analyst the last time we had a three day downside movement the price a bit coin drop by around twelve to twenty percent now he said three maxi crossing to downside prices range negative twelve percent to negative twenty percent in this bear market when that happens the former being the most recent and Kerr dropped twelve percent big point touches current low at five thousand fifty dollars to five thousand eight hundred dollar range no December the launch of the new back big corn futures market may cause a short term rally for big coin also the markets expect to see an increased ability with the news of tether being nearly back to a dollar how good job to either be in the stable going to there is new partner bake it was confirmed that they had some big money we hereby confirm that as of the close of business on October thirty first two thousand eighteen the portfolio cash value of your account with our bank was US one point eight three one billion dollars no one comes a covered a new story about numbers it is all speculation it's just people saying I think this could happen and I think this could


happen but no one really knows what's gonna happen next I mean we could try to look at the past and try to figure out what happens to the future but I don't think anyone actually knows what's going to happen next not many people could predicted what happened last year I don't think many people can predict what happens this year but I want to know


what you guys are thinking I want to know what you guys think it how my doctor but I want to know what you're thinking is big going to fall is gonna stay up who do you trust as he as a TA are you just kind of like roll with it and hold on let me know in the comments section below we'll see you next time I screwed up this video multiple times it's hard to redevelop.

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