USD is a Scam, Invest in Bitcoin/Crypto Before U.S. Debt Spirals Out of Control

Crypto has just started, but from the ground of grassroots usage. It's building up from that foundation. The fiat empires have a long history of use, but from being controlled and force upon people, with manipulation to sustain their inflated value.


Two famous people are talking about the coming collapse of the US dollar,r ecommending people get into crypto before it's too late. Robert Kiyosaki, author of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", described the US dollar as a scam with a market crash imminent. Get away from USD and into the "currencies of the people" that will outlive fiat:

The US Dollar is a scam…I think the dollar is toast because gold and silver and cybercurrency are going to take it out…The US Dollar is gone…In the year 2000 there was one currency, the US Dollar. It was called the reserve currency of the world…and then came bitcoin or cybercurrency.

He promoted his new book that supports investing in gold and crypto in order to hedge against what he sees as the coming collapse of the traditional financial system:

I talk about the three types of money today: God’s money, which is gold and silver, government’s money which is fiat currency, which is done by government decree which is the dollar… Then there’s the people’s money, which is cybercurrency on the blockchain technology. Gold is a hedge and I am expecting a collapse on the system…[and] which is why you are into cybercurrencies now… bitcoin and ethereum.

He's not the only one talking smack against fiat and praising crypto. Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has previously said that crypto is superior to the "phony" US dollar. And Kim Dotcom who is often called an "internet pirate" is urging everyone to get into gold and bitcoin because he also sees the US dollar in trouble.

In a Tweet, Kim Dotcom posted about the $1 trillion in debt that the US government adds each year, and will essentially never be repaid, resulting in the destruction of the US and create a global economic collapse.

1 TRILLION DOLLARS in additional US Govt debt PER YEAR!

US spending is funded by lenders who will never get paid. US Empire will collapse followed by a world wide economic collapse.

Shift your USD into Gold & Bitcoin asap before USD becomes toilet paper.

flickr/frankieleon, Source

The US federal deficit rose by 20% in the last 10 months, and spending is greater than revenue by $682 billion, and that's $116 billion more than last year. The US economy has grown by 4.1% is the last quarter, but it won't be enough. Tax cuts were made to try to lead to a stronger economy, but it hasn't panned out yet. The deficit is just bigger now, as spending was also increased.

CC BY 2.0

Trump already took on an empire on life support, with many leading economists who agree that the US debt in simply not sustainable. The deficit is expected to reach $794 billion by the end of the year. Interest payments are expected to rise in order to compensate a bit.

The next few years and decades will tell the tale of the fiat empires surviving because there was never anything to worry about (as if) or collapsing. It's seems inevitable that a collapse will come from the huge fantasy-land bubbles that have been created. People can survive better if they get off the centralized currency that has been pushed on them for centuries.

Most people will probably get hit hard when the next bubble bursts because they don't accept crypto and have too much faith, loyalty and trust int he traditional system. It's all they know, and the unknown crypto world is a dark mysterious or even dangerous area in many people's eyes.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.


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