Who will be the First Trillionaire in The World?

There was speculations that Jeff Bezos could be the first by 2042 but if things go they way they are we may see someone else on horizon and way sooner.

His name is Satoshi Nakamoto!

Its said that he owns between 1,1-2,2 millions of BTCs. Mostly people believe the exact number he holds (that can be traced to him) is 1148800 BTC.

So the minimum stash of Satoshi is worth now..

And this is how trillions looks in bills.

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Satoshi Nakamoto

We dont know who that is but imho its one person. Such secret would already be out if more than 1 person was in the team. As quote from tv show says "two can keep a secret if one of them is dead". The problem is more complicated though but the post is not about tryign to find Satoshi (there could be a book made of all hints and interesting connections) so i will leave it like that. Of course you guys can speculate in comments.

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